UHI.app - About Us

About Us

Four years ago, Dr Nandagopal and Dr Vijay, called Gokul to build a “google form”. The moment Gokul heard what they asked for, he realised that there is a problem with the narrative. And that we may be staring at a much bigger problem. All of them ventured to clearly define the problem; then Gokul spent about six months touring Tamil Nadu/Kerala, sitting in clinics and understanding the goings on. They came back together to discuss the findings and then it dawned on them.

Primary healthcare problem is posing as a “workflow” problem in clinics

70% of healthcare in India happens at a primary care level (read: OP clinics, standalone and part of hospitals). Yet, there are absolutely no systems at that level. Workflow is chaotic, patients come and go at various points without any documentation. This was appalling!

What would happen if we ignore primary care, and build only for tertiary/quaternary care?

Early detection and wellness for the whole country would suffer. Simply because the earliest of the symptoms occur at the primary stage and the problem is best identified then. Without a robust EHR system for the primary and secondary care segments, there is no data and insight from the ground.

In this vacuum, we saw opportunity

The more we understood how this segment works, the more we saw that the space was open for disruption. We knew that regulation will also soon catch up and doctors will start looking for help.

With opportunity came the challenges

Doctors got no time for you! Primary and secondary care physicians are the most overworked in the country. Spending time with them and understanding their needs is next to impossible. But more importantly, doctors see documenting as giving up their ‘secret sauce’ and ceding control. To convince them of the benefits of using a product like this, emotional appeal is just as important as the strengths of the product itself.

Meet our team

  • Dr Nandagopal V

    Chairman & MD

  • Gokul Visweswaran


  • Dr Vijay S


  • Dr Mathan K

    Chief of Research and Analytics

  • Rajesh Padmanabhan


  • Sonaal Bangera
