UHI.app - Partner Us

We invite you to be a part of India's Digital Health journey

Whether you are an energetic individual, or a marketing organisation that looks to be at the forefront of Prime Minister's Ayushman Bharath Digital Mission, we welcome you to the journey. We will be happy to grow with you to fulfil India's Digital Health Dream.

The Prime Minister of India launched the National Digital Health Mission in October 2021, and set the entire health infrastructure of our country on a digital path. Like UPI that revolutionised payments, UHI (Unified Health Interface) launched by our PM aims to revolutionise health records delivery — 14 lakh doctors, 40,000+ nursing homes, and 1.4 billion individuals should quickly onboard the Digital mission soon; about 30% of the target should be achieved in the next 24-30 months. 26 crore Indians already have been given Health IDs (called ABHA IDs), and the ecosystem is fast growing.